Saturday, February 23, 2008

Murder and Palestrina

Haven't been posting much lately. Life in the way again I suppose. But here's something exciting you might want to hear about.

There's been a murder. As they used to say in the TV programme Taggart. Only this time it isn't fiction, it's a real murder. And it happened next door to me. On Thursday. Or at least that's when they found the body.

The BBC Website is reporting that he died after a disturbance. I'm glad to say I was at choir practice on Thursday evening, so I have no idea whether there was indeed any disturbance. Or for that matter whether said disturbance took place on Thursday, or that was just when the body was discovered. The BBC mention that it was found at 1000 GMT, but they're getting their 24 hour clock mixed up because I think it was 10pm (2200 GMT) it was actually found.

I returned home after choir on Thursday, around 1130pm, and when I turned into my street there was a police van parked near my house. I soon also noticed the traffic car parked across the road, behind the only empty parking space, so I was obliged to reverse park into the space while the occupant of the traffic car sat there and watched. But I didn't reverse into him!

As I got out the car I noticed a senior officer standing nearby and at once realised that it was the Strathclyde Police nightshift Superintendent who was in attendance, and the traffic car was his transport/chauffeur, so I knew something serious was happening.

After midnight I noticed a couple of white-paper suited scenes of crime officers attending at the police van. The van was still there the next morning (yesterday), and when I returned home from work in the afternoon I soon had two police officers ringing my doorbell to take basic details and ascertain whether I'd seen anything. Which I hadn't. Because I had been 5 miles away singing Palestrina at the time!

I have in the recent past however had occasion to call the police when the windows of the flat next door have been broken, and it turns out it was the same flat in which the body has been found. Someone didn't like him, it would appear. No doubt I will be interviewed about the windows in due course, although I won't have anything to add that I didn't pass on at the time.

Last night the doorbell rang again and a well dressed earnest looking man was standing there apologizing for disturbing me, and when he said he was from the Daily Record and asked if I knew anything about what had happened next door I just politely declined and closed the door. According to their online story the deceased wasn't resident there but was at a party. But you can't trust the tabloid press with anything, so the jury's out on whether that is correct or not.

I didn't know the deceased and to the best of my knowledge had never laid eyes on him, particularly if the Daily Record version is correct and he wasn't resident. Although the address where it happened is kind of next door to me, it's in a separate building and I have confined my efforts of getting-to-know-the-neighbours to those in this same block. And all those I have met are lovely people.

So there you have it. Exciting times.

On a separate matter, tonight Glasgow Chamber Choir is performing a concert called Song of Songs based on various settings from that work.

It's about love and, frankly, sex, and it's delightfully rude in places, and full of doubles entendres! I commend it to you all.

It's at 7.30pm in St Bride's Episcopal Church in Hyndland Road, Glasgow, if you can manage. Tickets are only £9 (£6 concession). And there will be wine served too.

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