Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Live BBC Radio 4 Broadcast

The choir of St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow will be broadcasting live on BBC Radio 4 this Sunday, 10th September 2006, on Sunday Worship between 0810hrs and 0850hrs. Apparently the service will be marking Racial Justice Sunday, and the anthem has been specially written for us by our Music Director FW. And very nice it is too!

We’ve got to be there at 0715hrs, but you can sleep a bit longer and hear it live at 0810hrs on 92-95 FM, 198 LW, or Online on the BBC Website, or why not take advantage of the BBC’s “Listen Again” facility for up to 7 days after the broadcast and listen at your leisure at a more respectable hour!

If you want to come and hear us in the flesh, I commend our weekly Choral Evensong every Sunday at 1830hrs (lasts a bit less than an hour), and thereafter to the Junkyard Dog for a small post-service fluid replacement session and debrief, where I will happily buy you a glass of something refreshing if you introduce yourself to me (if you can work out, or ask, who I am, if you don't already know me!) This Sunday at Evensong our Director of Music is being easy on us since we will have been up from dark o’clock so the music will be:

Introit: Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake - Farrant/Hilton
Responses: Radcliffe
Psalm: 98
Canticles: The Short Service - Richard Ayleward
Anthem: Open thou mine eyes - John Rutter

St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral can be found at 300 Great Western Road, Glasgow.

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