Monday, August 14, 2006

The signs are wrong ......

Well what a busy time it's been. What with packing, moving, unpacking, drinking ......

I kept a running log of what I would have posted daily if I'd had Internet access, but on re-reading it I've decided the moment had passed so I've deleted it all.

The weekend just past was really enjoyable, but very very tiring. I was in Lichfield, just north of Birmingham, for the wedding of KR and RS. Drove down on Friday afternoon, drove back Sunday morning. In between spent perhaps a bit too much time drinking, but hey, what are weddings for!

I took the photo of the cathedral late'ish on the Saturday evening and it's slightly surprising that it's more or less in focus, after what I had consumed by that point!

The three amigos (or should that be stooges?) AK, GS and myself were all playing at being Devils in Skirts and took the town by storm. Or at least it went down a particular storm in the George and Dragon on Saturday afternoon when we stumbled into a party of horny women. Well, when I say horny, I really mean drunk and horny. And they seemed determined to answer for themselves the eternal question asked of Scotsmen - is anything worn under the kilt? Well I can say that the answer to that is no, it's all in perfect working order! Anyway, if the roles were reversed do you think we three guys would have got away with asking females to lift their skirts and show us what they had to offer? And do you think we would have got away with inappropriate (yet strangely and disturbingly erotic) touching as we posed with them for photos? I suspect not, but hey, that's what kilts are for! Works for me every time.

I really can't let this opportunity pass though. One friend, LS, was driving from Glasgow to Lichfield which, as I said, is just north of Birmingham. The groom, RS, received a call on his mobile from LS while we were having a small fluid replacement session on Friday night, to say that she couldn't find the cathedral and for some reason the signs were all spelled wrongly. Yes folks, there are two places in the UK with very similar names. Lichfield (Staffordshire) and Litchfield (Hampshire) which is 120 miles further south! Needless to say we didn't take the piss. Much.

And I was touched by AK (not in a tangible sense, fortunately) when he claimed to be addicted to this here Blog. You should get out more mate. Cambridge must be a boring place! Nice to know I've got one reader though.

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