Monday, October 20, 2008

Body clocks

Here I am in Sunny San Diego. Well I say sunny, but since it's a little after half past four in the morning that would be pushing it!

It's a long way from Glasgow! A good trip though, and the flight connections were absolutely fine. My first full day was spent having a bit of a look around, and chilling with my brother and his family. Today his wife and daughter are at work/school respectively, so D & I will head back into the city for more of a wander around, and maybe a look on the historic ships in the bay.

My body clock still hasn't reset itself, obviously, having hit the sleepyness wall a little after 9 last night, and as I said I'm now pretty much awake. Hopefully that'll all sort itself out shortly though.

This is just a quick post, as I'm trying not to bash the keys too noisily in case I wake the household.

More later, and probably some photos, if I can source either a card reader or mini USB connector, having not thought to pack them with the camera!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the break - if my recent trip to the West Coast of North America is anyhting to go by, it will take you another two days or so to get to grips with the time difference.

    Hope you are well away from the forest fires and have a relaxing time.
