Saturday, June 14, 2008

Franz Joseph

Today at 7pm I will be in St Ninian's Cathedral in Perth, with the rest of Glasgow Chamber Choir, performing stuff by Haydn. Rather nice stuff as it happens. His Missa Cellensis in Honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, or the St Cecilia Mass as it's more often known, and also his Salve Regina in which, God help us all, I have a whole two lines to myself including a top A flat. Fingers crossed for the top note then!

Tomorrow, as part of Glasgow's West End Festival we are performing the same concert in Hyndland Parish Church at 6pm, which happens to clash with St Mary's cathedral choir performing a big Evensong at 6:30pm as part of the festival, as they do every year. The chamber choir's director of music, Michael, checked with the festival organisers when deciding upon dates and times, and was told it wouldn't clash with anything, and in fact I think he said they'd actually asked for it to be brought forward to 6pm. Not ideal for either choir since the venues are only a mile or so apart and the target audience is pretty much the same.

So come along to either (or indeed both) of the Chamber Choir's concerts. If you come to Perth today you can go to St Mary's tomorrow! St Mary's, as always, will doubtless be nothing less than very very good, so while GCC needs your support (i.e. your ticket money) more than St Mary's do, I wouldn't try to persuade you either way. Both will be similar standard. Oh all right then, off the fence with me. Come to GCC. There will be a bar!

Off to start getting ready to head up to Perth now. AD has borrowed a minibus which is leaving from the west end of Glasgow at 1pm, so I need to get there by public transport so I can have a drink there when we return after 10pm tonight. Better get my skates on.

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