The image on the right, taken by Stewart D. Macfarlane (thanks Stewart) shows me with RE riding pillion, next to the Provost of St Mary's Cathedral, the Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth, who it has to be said is looking slightly dishevelled with his Cope at rather a jaunty angle. He must have had a bit of a rush of blood to the head, since he genuflected as we arrived in front of him outside St Mary's where he'd been standing waving at the passing bikers exactly as he did last year too. It's nice to know that a senior clergyman knows his place when it comes to BMW motorcycles and their riders/passengers!
I think he ended up with RSI of the arm too, because he was waving for a long time, which probably explains the Cope dishevellment.
The short trip across to the wrong side of the road was fun too, passing between moving cars on the way over, and moving buses and cars on the way back to join the other riders!
Last night we saw a few other photos of us on the run, so if and when I get any copies I'll post them here, with the gracious permission of the photographer(s) hopefully.
The verdict then on the Easter Egg Run? It was a lot of fun, and we'll be there next year for sure.
*update 4th April: I now believe the official police estimate was around 7,000 bikes.
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